A Tough Endgame Study By Kalyagin And Mitrofanov Jan 05, 2021

Can you crack this very tough endgame study?

Here it is for you. It is White to play and win, composed by Kalyagin and Mitrofanov in Galitzky MT Severocesky Denik 1993:

Share your answers in the comments below!

Would you like to improve your endgame play, so that you can convert advantages into win...

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Chess Openings - Best Beginner Openings For White Jan 03, 2021

What are the best openings to play with White, when you are a beginner?

In truth, the openings are not the most important thing for players starting out, as the games are going to generally be decided by exploiting and avoiding blunders, and basic tactics. 

However, there are certainly openings that h...

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How To Gain 200+ Points In 2021 Jan 02, 2021
What will it take for you to gain 200+ points in 2021?

Here's the short answer:

1. Passion for chess

If you aren't loving your chess, you'll struggle to stay motivated and have a clear purpose. However, it's easy to put more time in when you love what you do!

2. Persistence (Never giving up)

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Reflecting On My Chess Career Jan 01, 2021

Reflecting On My Chess Career

By GM Max Illingworth

(written July 12, 2019)

What was the last chess tournament I played?

I played, and won, the 2019 Oceania Zonal in Guam. Through this victory, I qualified for the second stage of the 2019-20 World Chess Championship: The 2019 FIDE World Cup, in ...

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